
The data below is sourced from the National Government’s Race Disparity Audit (RDA), and the Office for National Statistics (ONS), and includes raw data as well as graphs and data summaries covering the following areas:


  • Internet use


  • Passport held


Image and bar-chart of internet usage in the South West.

© RDA  - Graph courtesy of RACE.

This chart shows the internet usage in the Southwest by ethnicity. Internet usage is defined as the percentage of people aged 16+ who have used the internet in the last 3 months) (GOV.UK, 2021). There was no data available for Asian, Black or other ethnicities which makes this data hard to interpret. However, we can conclude that 92.3% of all people in the Southwest have accessed the internet in the last 3 months. 4,014 white people (92%) have also been able to do this.



Image of a bar-chart showing gypsy, traveller, roma ethnic groups (2011 census)

© ONS  - Graph courtesy of RACE.

In Bristol, there are 347 Gypsy or Irish travellers, 11 travellers, 7 Romany Gypsy people and 1 Welsh traveller. There was no data available for Scottish Travellers.

Image of a bar-chart showing bespoke passports held by ethnic groups in (2011 census)

© ONS  - Graph courtesy of RACE.

This graph shows the types of passports held by different ethnicities in the South West. It is important to note that the values have been created using a logarithmic scale. This means that instead of increasing by 1 unit each interval, the gap between intervals is much larger at the higher end. This makes the graph easier to visualise. We can see that over 3 million white people own a United Kingdom passport only whilst 719,492 white people own no passport at all. Only 1 person of Black descent owned a UK and Ireland Passport but 36,333 black people owned a UK only passport.

Image of a bar-chart showing bespoke passports held (2011)

© ONS  - Graph courtesy of RACE.

This graph shows the types of passports held by different ethnicities in Bristol. It is important to note that the values have been created using a logarithmic scale. This means that instead of increasing by 1 unit each interval, the gap between intervals is much larger at the higher end. This makes the graph easier to visualise. 265,812 people in Bristol own a UK passport with 88.94% of those people being white.

Image of a piechart showing ethnicity of children in the South West

© ONS  - Graph courtesy of RACE.

Of all children aged 5-6 in the Southwest, 91.49% are white with the other 8.5% being made up of all other ethnicities. Chinese children made up only 0.23% of all children in the Southwest.